
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig.

I'm home in Tacoma this weekend. That means I looked to my old bedroom for all my Halloween needs. And surprise, surprise, I found what I was looking for. (Mom's computer is pretty sketch, so who knows how this will all turn out.)

All the dust is real.

I'm down with HP. So is this bear tape measure.

Fossilized camel bone.

This is part of my bee collection. I think Catherine found a bunch of these in an attic
somewhere. My favorite are the bumble bees. They're curled up like they're all tuckered
out. Not so much the bee on its back in this picture--but the one to the right of
that bee (which looks really really dead). Oh, bee so sleepy.

Tomorrow Mom and I are heading to Portland to hear the Oregon Symphony play Psycho. I am very stoked.

P.S. Almost Halloween!

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