
Monday, October 4, 2010

Be. My. Guest.

"Beast, drawing the curtains aside, would walk in and talk so pleasantly that she soon lost much of her fear of him."

Tomorrow night, I will be watching Beauty and the Beast. Yes, it has been released from THE DISNEY VAULT. And I won't make the same mistake I made with The Little Mermaid. I will not rest until it is in my possession.

If you have some time to kill (and of course you do {because you're reading this}), you should do the following things:

1) Go to the Disney Store. This website features, in equal parts, items that leave me giddy and terrified. This is, for me, the essence of Disney.

2) Start following crazymissdaisy on youtube. She is from Denmark; she has a Disney doll collection; she makes some of the best Disney tribute videos around. Do not dispute me on this one. Just allow yourself to fall in love with Disney Girls Say: SHUT UP.

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